Friday, May 7, 2010

Is she, or isn't she - a "she" ?

I have some neighbors with chickens (actually several neighbors have chickens). David and Beth live down on Yates, and they have 5 - four hens and a very large, very beautiful Buff Orpington rooster named Vespa (?). I was visiting with them recently, talking about the dilemma of having a rooster in the Terrace, when David mentioned that one of my Buff Orpingtons looked like it might be a rooster! Dixie or Percella ?  Sure enough, Dixie seems to be maturing "differently" than the others. A little bigger, with more pronounced wattles. So is Dixie a Dickie?  I hope not, because Dixie is probably the most people friendly of all the chicks... I'd hate to have to find a new home for her (him, it)....

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