The summer was brutal on the flock. Sweet Janie, my Dominique, died from heat stroke in August. The other girls have pretty much stopped laying. Several are molting....
When Omelet (baby Americauna) died, I got a replacement pullet to keep Dora company. I named her Rocket. She was just too wild and fast! A Pearl White Leghorn that could put a roadrunner to shame (in fact, you could have made a cartoon out of me trying to catch her).
Rocket turning baby snake into chicken. |
Last weekend I bent down over her, and instead of running she huddled to the ground! That's a sign that she's a hen, about to lay... and sure enough, I found a small white egg Thursday evening. Followed by another yesterday. No doubt Rocket is laying. Dora, well she's either Sweet Dora or Dumb Dora, depending on how you look at it. She still wants to roost in trees (Rocket - now a lady - follows the other girls in at night), but she follows Rocket around all day long. Quite a pair!
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