Here in Chucktown it's been in the 90s every day for weeks with little to no rain. The Big Girls have cut egg production down to 2 eggs/day. It's just too hot.
Dora and Rocket - the "babies" have been moved out to the coop, to an apartment adjacent to the big girls. Dora - my surviving Ameracauna / Aracauna - is a sweetie, but very timid. She looks more like a small hawk than a hen. Rocket is, well, fast. She's wild. Doesn't like to be held, and is like white lightning. Fortunately she finds her way back to the coop. There have been a couple of times when the two groups have bumped into each other, and fortunately the big girls haven't decided to enforce the brutality of the pecking order that did in poor Omelet...
Last weekend Janice & I went to the mountains to relax and put Barkley's ashes into the Davidson River at his favorite spot... We paid a visit to Rich of EarthPerks in Rutherfordton to get organic feed for the girls. Rich has a neat place, with a big sunflower patch out front, and a unique moveable henhouse: a converted Winnebago camper he calls the "Hen-a-bago"! If you need organic supplies and are in the Columbus/Tryon/Rutherfordton area, please give Rich a visit.
The Hen-A-Bago at EarthPerks! |
Sunflowers always brighten the day!
At the Upper Falls of the East Fork of the Little Tenn, Graveyard Fields |