Thursday, May 19, 2011

Easter Babies!

It was Easter Sunday afternoon. Janice & I were trying to nap away the effects of a Mimosa induced catatonic state (courtesy of the Fat Hen Restaurant) when the phone rang. It was Bob Richey. The chicks were in - all 90 of them. The Post Office works on Easter...

We received a phone call a few hours later. Bob needed help - please come get my share (54 babies). Because of the way they were packed and sorted, he couldn't feed and water them.

So... Janice & I made phone calls to prospective parents, and made the trip to Jedburg where we were greeted by the Richey family and 90 peeping day old baby chicks!

The chicks were sorted into 3 different bins. We arranged to meet one of our 4-H leaders, May Jones, on the way back. May has a farm in Manning and had ordered 25 little Rainbow Layers; one of the bins was her order. That was a huge load off.  With a plastic tote and large cardboard box, we were able to get the others situated, fed, watered, and heat lamps on...

The next day, all the kids came to get their babies. I forgot what that kind of excitement can be like! They were so cute. By the end of the day, I was down to 2 babies - mine. Two cute little Americauna chicks. Soon to be named.... Omelet and Dora.