Friday, June 25, 2010

Late June on "the farm"

Here are a couple of quick photos. Blueberries are beginning to ripen....

The grand pecan tree that was struck by lightning last Friday (June 18th). The arborist has sprayed it, and the funny little plastic things are nutrient injectors.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Whistling Dixie

Ok, don't get yer tail feathers ruffled. It's starting to look like Dixie is indeed a Dixie Chick.

The chicks  hatched March 2, so they are 16 weeks old , which means they're pretty near sexual maturity (18-20 weeks). I'll be switching them over to organic layer feed in 2-3 weeks, as soon as the starter/grower feed runs out.

Dixie has bright red wattles and a bit of a red comb, but she has that classic hen build. Not tall and slender like a rooster. Percy, the other Buff, has paler features, but is about the same size and build. This was confirmed last week when Beth, a down-the-street neighbor with chickens, stopped by to say hi and check on them. She and David have been been through Roosterville more than once, and she declared Dixie safe. So, it looks like I have 6 hens-a-laying (hopefully in another 4 weeks or so)

That said, I'm also sensing that they have established the pecking order, and it looks like Dixie is the Alpha female. It was quite interesting to watch them yesterday evening when I let them out of the pen. Dixie was very much "in your face" with Geneva, showing her who was in charge. Not just once, but several times She chased Geneva down and squared off with her. Better than watching Roller Derby or WWF! Dixie is also one of the first to check out anything new that enters their range, so until something happens, I think Dix is at the top of the order.

It was oh-so-easy to take pictures of them when they were babies. It's darned near impossible now that they can run and fly. So as soon as I get them to stay still for a little while, I'll post photos. I will likely take the side off the coop one evening after they have gone to roost. Once upstairs they are slow and  a bit more docile..

Small Measure by Ashley English

I recently ran across another blog written byy a woman named Ashley English, who lives just outside Asheville. She is a published author, and her Small Measure blog is wonderfully entertaining and very practical. If you have any interest in getting a little more connected with the Earth, I would suggest you check it out -